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orthopaedic problems

The Ultimate Guide to Orthopaedic Problems: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments


Orthopaedic problems can affect people of all ages and can have a significant impact on their quality of life. Whether it’s a sports injury, arthritis, or a congenital condition, understanding the causes, symptoms, and treatments of orthopaedic problems is essential for effective management and long-term well-being.

Causes of Orthopaedic Problems

Orthopaedic problems can arise from a variety of causes, including:

1. Trauma: Accidents, falls, or sports injuries can result in fractures, dislocations, or ligament tears.

2. Overuse: Repetitive stress on joints, tendons, or muscles can lead to conditions such as tendinitis or bursitis.

3. Age-related degeneration: As we age, the wear and tear on our joints can cause conditions like osteoarthritis.

4. Genetics: Some orthopaedic problems, such as scoliosis or clubfoot, can be inherited.

5. Infections: Certain infections can affect the bones and joints, leading to conditions like osteomyelitis or septic arthritis.

Symptoms of Orthopaedic Problems

The symptoms of orthopaedic problems can vary depending on the specific condition, but some common signs to watch out for include:

1. Pain: Persistent or recurring pain in the affected area, which may worsen with movement or activity.

2. Swelling: Swelling or inflammation around the joints or injured area.

3. Limited range of motion: Difficulty moving the affected joint or limb fully.

4. Instability: Feeling of joint instability or giving way.

5. Deformity: Visible changes in the shape or alignment of the affected area.

6. Weakness: Weakness or muscle atrophy in the affected limb or joint.

Treatments for Orthopaedic Problems

The treatment options for orthopaedic problems depend on the specific condition and its severity. Here are some common treatment approaches:

1. Non-Surgical Treatments:

-Physical therapy: Exercises and stretches to improve strength, flexibility, and range of motion.

– Medications: Pain relievers, anti-inflammatories, or injections to reduce pain and inflammation.

– Assistive devices: The use of braces, splints, or crutches to support and protect the affected area.

– Lifestyle modifications: Weight management, activity modification, or ergonomic adjustments to reduce stress on the joints.

2. Surgical Treatments:

Arthroscopy: Minimally invasive procedure using small incisions and a camera to diagnose and treat joint problems.

– Joint replacement: Surgical removal of damaged joints and replacement with artificial implants.

– Fusion: Joining two or more bones together to stabilize a joint and reduce pain.

– Repair: Surgical repair of ligaments, tendons, or fractures to restore normal function.

Prevention and Management

While not all orthopaedic problems can be prevented, there are steps you can take to reduce the risk and manage existing conditions:

1. Maintain a healthy weight: Excess weight puts additional stress on your joints, increasing the risk of orthopaedic problems.

2. Stay active: Regular exercise helps strengthen muscles, improve flexibility, and support joint health.

3. Practice proper ergonomics: Maintain good posture and use ergonomic equipment to minimize strain on your joints.

4. Wear appropriate protective gear: Use protective equipment during sports or activities that carry a higher risk of injury.

5. Listen to your body: Pay attention to any pain or discomfort and seek medical attention if symptoms persist or worsen.


Orthopaedic problems can significantly impact your daily life, but with the right knowledge and treatment, you can effectively manage these conditions. Understanding the causes, recognizing the symptoms, and exploring the available treatments are essential steps towards a healthier and pain-free life. By taking preventive measures and seeking appropriate medical care from orthopaedic in Dwarka, you can minimize the impact of orthopaedic problems and maintain your overall well-being.


Treating Tendonitis: How Orthopaedic in Delhi Can Help You

Tendonitis is a common condition that affects many people, causing pain and discomfort in the tendons. It occurs when the tendons, which are the thick cords that connect muscles to bones, become inflamed or irritated. Tendonitis can occur in various parts of the body, such as the shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, or ankle.

If you are suffering from tendonitis, seeking help from an orthopaedic in Dwarka can provide you with the expert care and treatment you need. Orthopaedic doctors are medical professionals who specialize in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of conditions and injuries related to the musculoskeletal system, which includes the bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joints.

Diagnosis of Tendonitis

When you visit an orthopaedic doctor in Delhi for tendonitis, he will begin by conducting a thorough examination of the affected area. he will ask you about your symptoms, medical history, and any activities or movements that may have contributed to the development of tendonitis. The doctor may also perform certain tests, such as imaging scans or laboratory tests, to confirm the diagnosis and rule out other possible causes of your pain and discomfort.

Treatment Options

Once the diagnosis is confirmed, Dr Ashu Consul will develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs. The goal of treatment is to relieve pain, reduce inflammation, promote healing, and restore normal function and mobility to the affected tendon.

Some common treatment options for tendonitis include:

Rest and Activity Modification

Resting the affected area and avoiding activities that worsen the symptoms is often the first step in the treatment of tendonitis. Your orthopaedic doctor may also recommend modifications to your daily activities or work routine to prevent further irritation of the tendon.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy plays a crucial role in the treatment of tendonitis. A skilled physical therapist will guide you through exercises and stretches that help strengthen the affected tendon, improve flexibility, and promote healing. They may also use techniques such as ultrasound, heat or cold therapy, and electrical stimulation to relieve pain and reduce inflammation.


Dr Ashu Consul may prescribe medications to help manage the pain and inflammation associated with tendonitis. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are commonly used to reduce pain and swelling. In some cases, corticosteroid injections may be recommended to provide temporary relief.

Orthotics and Assistive Devices

In certain cases, Dr Ashu Consul may recommend the use of orthotic devices, such as braces or splints, to support and protect the affected tendon. These devices can help reduce strain on the tendon and promote healing. They may also suggest modifications to your footwear or the use of assistive devices, such as crutches, to relieve pressure on the affected area.

Surgical Intervention

In severe cases of tendonitis where conservative treatments have not provided relief, surgery may be considered. Dr Ashu Consul will discuss the surgical options with you and determine if it is the best course of action. Surgical procedures for tendonitis may involve removing damaged tissue, repairing the tendon, or releasing tight structures that are causing irritation.

Benefits of Consulting an Orthopaedic in Delhi

When it comes to treating tendonitis, consulting an orthopaedic in Delhi offers several benefits:

Expertise and Experience

Dr Ashu Consul has extensive expertise and experience in diagnosing and treating tendonitis. he stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in orthopaedic medicine and employ evidence-based practices to ensure the best possible outcomes for their patients.

Comprehensive Care

The Neo Orthopaedic Clinic provides comprehensive care for tendonitis, offering a range of treatment options under one roof. From accurate diagnosis to personalized treatment plans and follow-up care, orthopaedic specialists ensure that you receive the highest level of care throughout your treatment journey.

Access to Advanced Technology

The Neo Orthopaedic Clinic is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and diagnostic tools, allowing for accurate diagnosis and precise treatment. This ensures that you receive the most effective and efficient care for your tendonitis.

Holistic Approach

Dr Ashu Consul takes a holistic approach to patient care, considering not only the physical aspects but also the emotional and psychological well-being of their patients. They understand the impact of tendonitis on your overall quality of life and work towards helping you regain function and improve your quality of life.

Personalized Treatment Plans

Dr Ashu Consul understand that every patient is unique, and they tailor their treatment plans to address your specific needs and goals. They take into account your lifestyle, occupation, and personal preferences to develop a personalized plan that optimizes your recovery.

In conclusion, if you are suffering from tendonitis, seeking help from an orthopaedic in Delhi can provide you with the expert care and treatment you need. With their expertise, comprehensive care, access to advanced technology, and personalized treatment plans, orthopaedic doctors in Delhi can help you recover from tendonitis and regain your quality of life.

orthopaedic conditions

Understanding Common Orthopedic Conditions

Orthopaedic conditions encompass a range of ailments that affect our musculoskeletal system, which includes our bones, joints, muscles, ligaments, and tendons. These conditions can lead to pain, limited mobility, and reduced quality of life. In this article, we’ll explore some of the most frequently encountered orthopaedic issues, their causes, and potential treatments.

1. Arthritis

What is it? Arthritis is a group of conditions characterized by joint inflammation. The two most common types are osteoarthritis (wear-and-tear of joint cartilage) and rheumatoid arthritis (an autoimmune disease).

Causes: Aging, genetics, injuries, and excessive joint use can contribute to arthritis.

Treatment: Management includes medications, physical therapy, lifestyle modifications, and in some cases, joint replacement surgery.

2. Back Pain

What is it? Back pain can result from various causes, including muscle strains, herniated discs, or underlying medical conditions.

Causes: Poor posture, heavy lifting, obesity, and spinal conditions are common causes.

Treatment: Treatment ranges from rest, physical therapy, pain medications, and, in severe cases, surgical interventions.

3. Fractures

What are they? Fractures are broken bones. They can vary in severity from simple cracks to complex breaks.

Causes: Accidents, falls, sports injuries, and weakening bones can lead to fractures.

Treatment: Treatment involves immobilization with casts, splints, or surgical procedures for more severe fractures.

4. Tendonitis

What is it? Tendonitis is the inflammation of tendons, which connect muscles to bones. It often causes pain and limited joint movement.

Causes: Repetitive motions, overuse, and ageing can contribute to tendonitis.

Treatment: Rest, physical therapy, anti-inflammatory medications, and sometimes corticosteroid injections help alleviate symptoms.

5. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

What is it? Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition where pressure on the median nerve in the wrist causes pain, numbness, and tingling in the hand and fingers.

Causes: Repetitive hand and wrist movements, obesity, and genetics can play a role.

Treatment: Treatment may include wrist splints, physical therapy, pain medications, or surgery in severe cases.

6. Rotator Cuff Injuries

What are they? The rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons in the shoulder. Injuries to this area can result in pain and reduced shoulder mobility.

Causes: Overuse, trauma, and age-related changes can lead to rotator cuff injuries.

Treatment: Treatment may include rest, physical therapy, anti-inflammatory medications, or surgery if conservative methods fail.

7. Knee Injuries

What are they? Knee injuries, such as ACL tears or meniscus tears, can cause pain and instability in the knee joint.

Causes: Sports injuries, falls, and accidents are common causes of knee injuries.

Treatment: Treatment varies but may include physical therapy, bracing, or surgical repair.

8. Osteoporosis

What is it? Osteoporosis is a condition characterized by weakened bones, making them more susceptible to fractures.

Causes: Aging, hormonal changes, and a lack of calcium and vitamin D can contribute to osteoporosis.

Treatment: Treatment includes medications, dietary changes, weight-bearing exercises, and fall prevention strategies.

These are just a few of the common orthopaedic conditions that people may encounter. It’s essential to consult with an orthopaedic in Dwarka for an accurate diagnosis and tailored treatment plan if you or someone you know is experiencing orthopedic issues. Remember that early intervention and proper management can significantly improve your quality of life and mobility.

degenerative disc disease


The intervertebrate discs are one of the most important elements of the spine in such a way that it is considered healthy when the discs present in the back are in good condition. In this post we talk about degenerative disc disease, one of the most frequent causes of low back pain and cervical pain, which can limit certain activities of daily life and may require spinal surgery in the most severe cases.

What is degenerative back disc disease?

Over the years, the spinal discs wear out or degenerate, which is known as degenerative disc disease of the back. Discopathy is a pathology that appears as a consequence of the alteration of the intervertebral discs, which are losing the water content present in them.

In general terms, back disc disease begins after the age of 60, although in some cases it can appear prematurely. Disc disease can affect one or several intervertebral discs, depending on the progression of the disease and the personal characteristics of each patient.

Mention can be made of lumbar degenerative disc disease when the pathology is caused by the loss of height or thickness of one or several vertebral discs. On the other hand, the most common cause of axial pain is cervical degenerative disc disease, which causes muscle contractures.

Common symptoms of degenerative disc disease

Among the most common symptoms when a patient has back disc disease is pain, radiation, tingling or numbness, and even weakness or dexterity of the extremities. The pain appears in the cervical area and spreads to the back of the shoulder blades or to the arms.

The symptoms of this pathology will depend on its location, which on some occasions could lead the patient to have difficulty walking, turning or sitting. With the change of position, patients notice some relief.

Causes of degenerative disc disease

The aging process of people is not the only cause of the appearance of a degenerative disc disease, so there are various factors that help to suffer from this pathology such as dryness of the intervertebral discs, so that they do not allow them to perform their function in their natural form.

Some injuries, especially those that have caused some instability in the spinal disc, are also common causes of degenerative disc disease. Indirect causes could be being overweight, carrying heavy objects, sedentary lifestyle or doing certain sports activities that cause damage to the spinal disc.

Diagnosis and Treatment

The purpose of the diagnosis and treatment of degenerative disc disease is to mitigate the symptoms and put an end to it, in the most extreme cases of patients with degenerative disc disease.


The diagnosis of degenerative disc disease begins with a physical examination of the patient’s body, paying special attention to the cervical region, back, and extremities. With this study, it will be possible to observe the flexibility and range of movement that could be generating certain degenerative changes in the spine.

Faced with these symptoms, a spine specialist will evaluate them, accompanied by imaging tests such as a CT scan or an MRI.


In the milder cases of back disc disease and with the aim of reducing the pain that the patient has, the specialists will try to do a series of exercises to strengthen and flex the spine, establishing hygiene and postural control guidelines to limit the misuse that is sometimes made of the spine.

When pain persists such that, it limits activities of daily living even with the treatments mentioned above, spinal surgery may be required. At Neo Orthopaedic Clinic we have expert orthopaedic surgeon in Delhi who can help you improve the quality of personal life.

With all this, it is essential to lead a healthy lifestyle, with a diet that has ingredients that have essential vitamins and minerals to strengthen the spine, balancing emotions at all times.

As has been observed throughout the post and to avoid the appearance of diseases that endanger the quality of the spine, it is essential to take care of the spine from a very early age, and with it, not lose the strength of the back and the spine, without the need to experience pain.

hip pain

What are hip diseases?

Hip pain is the main symptom that something is not right and it can be related to several diseases. 

We know that the hip is responsible for supporting the body and connecting the thigh bone (femur) to the pelvis (acetabulum). And this fitting of the head of the femur with the bone of the pelvis needs to be exact, as any type of deficiency or malformation results in the emergence of problems in the region, which include pain in the gluteus, lower back, groin, knees and legs.

It is important that the cause is always investigated so that the appropriate treatment is applied. Among the main diseases of the hip are:

  • Osteoarthritis: chronic degenerative disease that wears out cartilage, decreasing joint space, which causes limited movements, leading the person to start limping, in most cases.
  • Arthritis: Chronic inflammatory and autoimmune disease, which can affect multiple joints. It generates pain, swelling and reduced range of motion. The main cause for this pathology is genetics.
  • Epiphysiolysis: this disease is related to the growth of the femur that generates the slipping of the femoral head in the pelvis. Symptoms include groin pain, which may extend to the inner thigh to the knee, and decreased hip mobility.
  • Hip Developmental Dysplasia (DDH): known as congenital dislocation, DDH happens when the femur is not articulated with the pelvis, that is, there is a displacement between the head of the thigh bone and the acetabulum. The disease brings a noticeable difference between the limbs, in addition to causing pain in the knees and lumbar spine.
  • Bursitis: is characterized by inflammation of the bursa, a small fluid-filled sac that surrounds the joints and acts as a cushion between the bones, tendons and muscle tissues. Causes pain when getting up, walking, climbing stairs, and driving.
  • Pubalgia: tendinitis of the adductors of the hip or abdomen, with all affected muscles and tendons having their insertion in the pubic bone.
  • Femoroacetabular impingement syndrome: when there are one or more changes in the shape of the hip, which can be of the CAME, PINCER type or a combination of them (mixed type). These bone changes can cause abnormal contact between the femoral neck, acetabular rim and acetabular labrum, causing damage to the articular cartilage.

If you notice any of the symptoms listed above, it is important to seek the help of a hip specialist orthopaedic in Delhi. This is the case of Dr. Ashu Consul, who has been working in this area for over 15 years. Schedule a consultation right now!


Joints Problem Post Covid-19 Infection

Did you know that the Coronavirus infection can leave you sequelae of pain in the joints and muscles? Many people have joint pain before they start with the Covid-19 infection. During infection these problems can be aggravated due not only to immobilization, but also to tissue damage caused by the medication used to fight the virus.

The most common problems reported by patients are pain in the shoulders and back, although they can affect any joint in the body. Some patients may have more severe problems such as difficulty standing, climbing stairs, grasping objects in their hands, or raising their arms above the head. Some patients also report cramping and tingling sensations as well as weakness in the arms and legs.

What can I do to improve these joint and muscle problems

Most problems progressively improve after overcoming Covid. Taking care of your joints and muscles should be a very important part of the recovery process. The goal would be to return to the same level of activity as before getting sick, so you have to try to increase the amount of movements and activities progressively.

Our joints and muscles are designed to move so any gentle exercise is beneficial. Sometimes due to respiratory problems due to Covid, fatigue and / or high air can be noticed so you do not have to rush to accelerate the recovery and you will have to try to do a little more each day. It is very important to keep a balance between exercise, activities and rest. For this reason, at the beginning of recovery it is better to incorporate simple activities and then gradually introduce stronger activities.

Here are several examples of strengthening and flexibility exercises as well as tips that will help your joints and muscles.

– Examples of stretches to perform 1 or 2 times a day :

  • yoga
  • Tai Chi
  • any joint stretching as far as possible

– Examples of strengthening exercises at least 2 times a day :

  • climbing stairs
  • lift weight
  • rubber band exercises
  • gardening activities
  • bike

– Try to change your posture frequently. Limit the amount of time you spend in the same position, such as sitting, watching television or watching your mobile. If you feel that the pain increases with a certain position, change position or take a walk to relieve it.

– Use some ointment or mild analgesics to help relieve some mild pain, although always check with the pharmacist or doctor first.

When should you go to the doctor

You should go immediately to an emergency service to be evaluated if:

– you have very acute pain in your arms and / or legs, a loss of strength or insensitivity that prevents you from performing the previously indicated exercises.
– If you have any swollen, red and hot joints.
– If you have acute back pain radiating to the legs and accompanied by loss of reflex to urinate or defecate .

Contact your orthopaedic doctor in Delhi preferably if:

– your joint or muscle pain worsens or does not improve after 3-4 weeks.
– if you are unable to perform activities or exercises due to shortness of breath or fatigue .
– if new symptoms appear such as cramps, worsening weakness in the arms and legs or stability problems that make you fall or need to lie down.
– If new muscle aches appear that prevent you from sleeping

hip arthritis

Coxarthrosis: Osteoarthritis of the Hip Joint

Coxarthrosis is osteoarthritis of the hip joint.

It is called primitive when there is no malformation responsible for osteoarthritis, and secondary in the opposite case.

The diagnosis is made based on pain and examination of the hip and is confirmed with x-rays. Treatment involves non-drug measures, medications, and eventually a resort to hip replacement surgery in Delhi.

The two coxarthrosis

The primitive coxarthrosis It occurs in a normal hip, in an individual over 60 years of age and represents 40% of the cases of coxarthrosis.

The secondary coxarthrosis it occurs in a “dysplastic” hip (with an anatomical malformation), in a younger individual, and accounts for 60% of cases of coxarthrosis.

Morphological abnormalities are, therefore, the main risk factor for coxarthrosis.

However, we must not forget the excess weight (overweight and obesity) and the trauma and microtrauma of contact sports.

Diagnosis is indicated by symptoms and examination

The symptoms are the same as those of coxarthrosis, both primitive and secondary.

Pain is the main symptom. It is a mechanical pain that is accompanied by a limp. This is usually located in the groin, but it can also be located in the buttock or reveal itself through knee pain.

Joint stiffness associated with pain is responsible for a disability that also manifests itself as discomfort when walking and lameness. The examination performed by the orthopaedic in Delhi reveals a limitation of hip movements.

Radiology confirms the diagnosis

Radiography of both hips is essential for diagnosis.

This has two objectives: search (or confirmation if it is already known) of a hip dysplasia and search for radiological signs of coxarthrosis:

  • decrease in the height of the space between the articular surfaces (impingement of the interline);
  • condensation of the part of the bone immediately under the cartilage;
  • bony outgrowths at the bone-cartilage junction (osteophytes).

Non-drug treatments take center stage

The reduction of any possible excess weight is a priority. The same happens with the implementation of an “aerobic” exercise program (30-minute brisk walk 3 times a week, cycling, swimming) and functional rehabilitation exercises in order to maintain hip mobility and strengthen the muscles that stabilize it.

The orthotics are reduced to shock-absorbing soles (running shoes with thick soles) and the technical assistance of a cane that will be carried on the opposite side to the diseased hip. The joint economy recommendations are not superfluous: avoid lifting weights, walking on rough terrain and standing for a long time.

Medications are administered in 2 ways

For the treatment of coxarthrosis, drugs are prescribed in the form of tablets or, less often, in the form of an intra-articular injection. Analgesics (paracetamol) are prescribed first.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have a superior analgesic effect, but they are not without undesirable effects. If there are no contraindications, they are prescribed in short cures, with effective doses, preferably during painful outbreaks.

Symptomatic slow-acting antiarthrosis drugs represent the background treatment. Its excellent tolerance authorizes its long-term prescription. Its action is delayed, but often prolonged after stopping treatment.

Intra-articular corticosteroid injections are indicated in the event of an inflammatory flare. Technique and vigilance must be rigorous.

Surgery is contemplated when disability becomes significant

The total hip replacement is the preferred prosthesis in case of coxarthrosis.

This gives good results against pain and for the autonomy of the arthritic patient.


How to take care of your joints

The joint is a structure made up of bones, muscles, synovium, cartilage, and ligaments such as the knee, hip, wrist, or shoulder. They are the most important joints between the ends of the bones and allow the mobility of the skeleton.

The structures that allow this union are the joint capsule and the ligaments. Inside the capsule, the synovial membrane secretes a fluid, synovial fluid, which acts as a lubricant, facilitating the friction of the articulating bone ends. It is like oil for a car.

Another important component of the joints is the cartilage, which covers the articular bone surfaces and acts as a shock absorber in the movements of movement between them.


Joint pain is the most common disorder affecting the musculoskeletal system. This type of pain can affect a single joint (monarticular) or several (polyarticular) and originate in the joint itself or outside of it, such as in a ligament, cartilage, tendon, or muscle.

The conditions that cause joint pain are osteoarthritis, arthritis, fibromyalgia, and gout, among others. Two of the best known are:

  • Osteoarthritis: it is the wear of the cartilage of the joint and causes the bones to rub against each other. This causes pain and loss of flexibility. 10% of the Spanish population has osteoarthritis of the knee and 6% of the hand.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis (RA):  a chronic inflammatory joint disease, which causes joint destruction, deformity, and functional limitation.


According to orthopaedic in Delhi, Joint care is important at all ages since, as time passes, they lose their functionality. Keep these recommendations in mind:

  1. Be active. It is advisable to practice aerobic activities such as walking, swimming, and cycling. Exercises help keep the joint active and prevent muscle atrophy. You should exercise regularly and gently to avoid injury.
  2. Correct posture. Bad posture produces an uneven distribution of weight on the body. When sitting, your back should be straight and supported on a backrest. Avoid sinking chairs, a firm seat is better; feet must be firmly on the ground.  Do not spend a long time standing or sitting, change your position from time to time. To pick up objects from the ground, do not bend your spine, but rather your knees.
  3. Control your weight.  Excess weight will put stress on your joints, especially spine, knees, hips, and feet. Obesity increases the risk of osteoarthritis.
  4. Feeding. Try to maintain a balanced diet, containing fruits and vegetables. Seasonings like turmeric are proven to reduce inflammation, oranges have antioxidant effects and protect joints, the Mediterranean diet reduces pain and stiffness in those with rheumatoid arthritis, broccoli protects against arthritis pain, and ginger is anti-inflammatory and antioxidant.
  5. Avoid overload.  Activities that generate extreme pain or exertion should be stopped or limited.  Wear wide shoes, the insoles can be used to mitigate pain in the joints of the legs. Canes and crutches can also relieve pain, by unloading diseased joints, while preventing falls.
  6. Use assistive devices.  To prevent falls, place handles on the walls, hallways, and bathrooms to facilitate holding. The taps should preferably be single lever. A trolley on wheels can allow the transport of various objects (daily groceries, dishes …) without making great efforts. In the bathroom, install non-slip floors, supports for the entry, and exit of the bathtub and toilet, plastic seats for the shower.
  7. Some compounds such as collagen and hyaluronic acid promote mobility.


Calcification: Causes, Symptoms, Prevention And Treatment of Calcium Deposits

Calcium is incredibly important for the functioning of the human body. Although 99 percent is found in teeth and bones, blood vessels, nerves, and muscles also need calcium.

They get it through blood vapor, in which that important remaining one percent must reside.

The term “calcification” refers to the accumulation of calcium in parts of the body where it should not accumulate, causing hardening of the tissues in question. This type of calcium build-up can affect many parts of the body, including:

  • The arteries ( atherosclerosis )
  • heart valves (calcification of the aortic valve)
  • other organs, such as the kidneys, bladder, and even (though rare) the liver
  • other soft tissues (muscles, breasts, fatty tissue)
  • joints and tendons.
  • the brain (cranial calcification)

What Causes Calcification?

Some calcification is a normal and expected part of the aging process. Almost all adult humans have some calcification of the pineal gland in the brain, and about half of women over 50 have some calcification within their breast tissues.

However, calcifications can also be pathological, and depending on the type of calcification, the following causes may play a role:

  • Excessive intake of vitamin D (soft tissue calcification, kidney stones)
  • a vitamin K deficiency
  • age in combination with excessive physical activity and / or being overweight (calcification as a complication of osteoarthritis)
  • genetics
  • existing heart or kidney conditions
  • taking certain medications that affect the way your body processes calcium, such as high blood pressure and cholesterol medications.
  • injury
  • of smoking

How do you know if you are experiencing calcification? Can you prevent it?

Due to the various parts of the body that can be affected by calcification, it is impossible to make general statements about the symptoms that people may experience. However, most of the time there will be no obvious symptoms, and it is very likely that you will discover calcifications after undergoing an X-ray for entirely different reasons.

The best thing anyone can do to try to prevent calcification is to live a healthy life and talk to the orthopaedic doctor in Delhi about prevention if they are at higher risk. It is also advisable that you attend preventive medical exams with your doctor, especially once you reach middle age and beyond.

Treatment for calcification

Treatment for calcification depends entirely on the type you are dealing with. Calcium deposits in the joints and tendons can be removed surgically. While people with kidney stones will likely be prescribed diuretics that stimulate calcium build-up in the bones.

Those prone to kidney stones may also be advised to reduce their calcium intake. Surgery may be necessary if you suffer from heart valve calcification, while those with cerebral calcification may be prescribed bisphosphonates, a class of medication that is also used to treat osteoporosis.

In conclusion

While calcification of any kind is unlikely to produce symptoms that easily lead to self-diagnosis, anyone concerned about their health should see a orthopaedic in Delhi. The detailed description of your symptoms will allow your doctor to decide what kinds of tests should be done, leading to a diagnosis.


Tibial Periostitis: Causes, Prevention and Treatment

Tibial periostitis is an injury produced by various causes. Adequate lifestyle and training habits are key to preventing it and the recommended treatment focuses on understanding, cold therapy and the biomechanical study of gait that allows correcting alterations that cause its appearance.

Both in athletes and in those people who spend many hours standing, shin splints is a well-known injury. At least it is the feeling of overload in calves and shins and localized discomfort (as if it were a bruise) in the area of ​​the tibia.

What is tibial periostitis and what are its causes?

Tibial periostitis is the inflammation of the periosteum, the membrane that covers the tibia on the external surface and unites it with the calf, tibialis anterior and posterior, and peroneals.

Like many other injuries, there is no single cause. There can be many reasons for this injury and to identify them you have to understand the context of the patient.

At a general level, an unhealthy lifestyle (diet, stress) or certain habits at work, such as driving too many hours or working standing up, are the typical causes of this injury outside the sports environment.

In the case of athletes and people who train regularly, the causes are usually:

  • Train constantly on hard surfaces, especially asphalt
  • Starting to train or practice sports without prior and adequate muscle preparation, as well as excessive training intensity or volume
  • Wearing inappropriate shoes, especially those with poor cushioning
  • Skip muscle treatments, for example not stretching or not going to the masseur
  • Biomechanical defects: from the shape of the foot, excessive pronation to other body load defects

How can we prevent it?

Faced with such a variety of causes, prevention and change of habits (as far as possible) are essential to avoid tibial periostitis.

In the case of athletes, for example,  changing exercise routines, not neglecting stretching before and after exercise and wearing suitable equipment can help save us from suffering such an annoying injury.

What is your treatment?

However, if the damage has already been done, using compression bandages can improve support. Applying cold with the leg elevated (either through ice in the area or through thermotherapy products) will help to lower the inflammation, with which the pain will be considerably alleviated.

Among all these preventive and solution techniques for tibial periostitis, it is highly recommended by orthopaedic in Delhi to perform a footprint study. This study allows to locate and diagnose those biomechanical defects (such as poor posture when walking, running or standing) that are usually the cause of problems in the locomotor system. The biomechanical study allows the patient to correct or minimize said defects or alterations, which results in the prevention of injuries, in this case, tibial periostitis.