Category Archives: services


Low Back Pain

Low Back Pain is a very common condition (second only to the common cold), most of the individual at least once in a lifetime suffers from back pain. This is the price we are paying for standing erect.  It is not only a problem of old people – 50% of children will have experienced back pain by the time they reach 15.

Low back pain is a common problem and is caused by many different things. Often a definite source of the pain is never found.

Recovery Is The Rule but  recurrence too

Fortunately, low back pain is mild and short-lived in most cases. 80 to 90% of people with acute low back pain recover within a week but sometimes it can take longer. Serious injuries are uncommon and can be identified relatively easily.

Unfortunately, low back pain has a bad habit of recurring from time to time. Do not be surprised if you have more than one episode.

What To Look For

Some symptoms should be taken seriously if associated with back pain:

  • The young (<15 yrs) and the elderly (>60 yrs ).
  • Pain at night more than during the day or when resting pain is more than activity.
  •  weight loss > 10 % body wt .
  • fever
  • Sudden severe pain after trivial trauma (a simple fall).
  • Repeated infections.
  • Sharp pain that radiates down the leg to the ankle and foot.

Contact your orthopaedic in Delhi immediately if you experience these symptoms.


The medical evidence in favor of early, progressive activity and avoidance of bed rest of more than 3-5 days for the management of Low Back Pain is substantial. Early activity and exercise are the keys to the successful management of acute low back pain.

REST, MEDICATION AND PHYSIO, generally cure most patients for the short term. But most pain can reoccur if your ergonomics (working and sitting posture) is not right. Long term solution to the problem is EXERCISE AND RIGHT POSTURE.

Individuals who remain active and physically fit have fewer recurrences (and their attacks are also shorter). There is ample evidence that bed rest for more than 3 or 5 days is not an effective therapy and often delays recovery.


Back surgery is only required in very few occasions (less than 1%). There are different types of surgery but low back pain (generally) is NOT a surgical condition.


Orthopaedic doctor in Dwarka may prescribe medication (usually painkillers and anti-inflammatory tablets). They all have the same goal (to reduce the pain) but their effects are different. Make sure that you take your tablets as you have been advised.

Even if you need to rest in bed, you should be active (up and about) at least one hour every day doing physical activity (like walking up and down the corridor, or in the garden, street or local park).


Low back pain is often the result of a combination of factors…

  • Poor physical condition.
  • Poor health.
  • Bad postural habits.
  • Stress and lifestyle.

In children hamstring, tightness and hours spent in front of the television are also risk factors for low back pain. A healthy lifestyle, regular exercise and identifying the causes of stress are the foundation to prevent or minimize low back pain.

Low back pain is frequent but generally not serious. Most people recover quickly.

  • AVOID PROLONGED SITTING > 45 MINS –  do not sit more than 45 min at a stretch, get up after 45 mins take 2-5 min walk then sit again
  • AVOID FORWARD BENDING –  Bending forward causes double the stress over the neck n back, our head wt is around 5 kg which increases to 30 kg if we bend our neck up to 60 degrees. so keep your head in the centre of your shoulders. If u want to bend n lift something from the lower down then bend from the knee and hip as well so that stress on the spine is less.
  • AVOID HEAVY WT LIFTING – keep your back as straight as possible while lifting wt or ask for help while lifting heavy wt.
  • FULL CHAIR SITTING – Try to sit in an office chair with hips at the back of the chair and back fully supported with a backrest, by this your back is fully supported n slightly backwards tilted, keeping stress low on the spine. do not sit half-chair.
  • LAPTOP TO DESKTOP – with a laptop one has to bend forward and work as the laptop screen and keyboard is so close to each other that you can’t work without bending forward. So dissociate the screen from a keyboard by using an external keyboard(preferably wireless) and an external mouse with a laptop stand to keep the screen at your eye level.
  • HOLDING MOBILE AWAY FROM BODY – So that neck does not bend too much for long, keep the neck as straight as possible.
  • NEVER WORK IN  BED OR WITH  BAD POSTURE – as it causes severe stress on back and neck.
  • DAILY EX- Daily exercise of the neck and back strengthens muscles so that they can take stress of sitting.
  • Take enough painkillers or anti-inflammatory tablets (as your orthopedic in Delhi has advised you). Do not wait “until the pain is bad”.


Ankle Replacement

Ankle Replacement in Delhi Severe ankle pain due to major joint damage can be debilitating and that’s where ankle replacement surgery in Delhi comes in. It’s an effective pain relief option and is taken up only when conservative methods of relieving pain or deformities in the ankle are unsuccessful. Multiple techniques are used for ankle replacement surgery to allow relief from pain and regain stability.

The ankle is a weight-bearing joint and carries the body’s full weight, so it is very important to treat a painful ankle. Before you go in for ankle replacement surgery it is a good idea to learn more about ankle surgery options—including ankle replacement and ankle fusion( arthrodesis). Contact us for more details on what type of surgery your condition may require.


Elbow Replacement

What is elbow replacement surgery in Delhi?

During the elbow replacement surgery in Delhi, the two sides of the joint are replaced by implants, with or without cement. The humeral and ulnar components are made of metal and polyethylene. The elbow joint is usually open at the back and the muscles retracted. The worn surfaces are removed from the joint and the humerus and ulna are prepared to accommodate the components which are usually cemented inside the bone.

The shoulder, elbow and wrist prostheses are made of metal alloy and polyethylene (plastic), they restore mobility and alleviate or eliminate pain. The purpose of elbow replacement surgery in Delhi is to create a new, perfectly mobile joint while eliminating pain due to contact between the bones. Your orthopaedic surgeon in Delhi will choose a total or partial arthroplasty depending on your state of health and taking into account the degree of impact of arthritis on the joint.

Best Elbow replacement surgery in Delhi

The elbow consists of three parts (humerus, ulna and radius) which provide two types of movement. The humerus and ulna articulate to ensure a hinge movement. The humerus and the radius ensure rotational movement. The surfaces of the joint are covered with cartilage which serves as elastic resistance (cushion effect) between the bones. Cartilage can wear out due to various events such as a fracture, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid or inflammatory arthritis. When rheumatoid arthritis has damaged the joint, the cartilage is not sufficiently lubricated. This results in loss of mobility and pain in the elbow.

Elbow replacement surgery in Delhi benefits from recent technological advances with completely new surgical instruments offering surgeons a greater variety of options to relieve pain and restore joint functions.

As in the case of total knee and hip replacement, the cartilage and the elbow bone are replaced by an artificial implant. Given the concentration of nerves, vessels and soft tissue in this area, the elbow is a complex joint.

Reasons for Elbow Replacement (Indications)

The common reason for doing an elbow replacement surgery in Delhi is pain that affects the activities of daily living. This is followed by the instability of the elbow and ankylosis (fusion) of the elbow. The underlying disorders that cause the above problems are Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, post-traumatic arthritis, and other inflammatory conditions.

Pre-operative Assessment before Elbow Replacement

This involves assessment for fitness, having surgery and anaesthesia. You may have x-rays done, to assess the problem. Some blood tests, rule out infection in some instances.

The procedure of Total Elbow Replacement Surgery in Delhi

The elbow joint is approached from the back. A skin incision is made and the tissues are carefully dissected. A nerve called the ulnar nerve is identified, dissected and secured. The muscle-tendon complex at the back is carefully reflected off the bone, to approach the actual joint. The joint surface is prepared and the two components, the humeral component, and the ulnar component are inserted and linked together with a coupling.

It lasts about 1 to 2 hours depending on the surgical method. Generally, the patient is hospitalized for 4 to 5 days after the operation. The length of this stay however depends on several factors. Your surgeon will be able to advise you.

After Elbow Replacement Operation

Your arm will be covered with dressings and elevated in bed. Orthopedic in Delhi will advise you to mobilize as much as you can tolerate. You may have a nerve block, to numb the pain. You may be advised, not to lift heavy weights after the procedure.

The clips or sutures are usually removed in ten days’ time.

In the appropriate patient, the success rate has been reported to be very good (approx. 92%). But it is important for the patient to discuss the pros and cons of the procedure with the orthopaedic surgeon in Delhi, before having it done.

hip replacement surgery in West Delhi

Hip Replacement

Hip Replacement Surgery in Delhi: Comprehensive Information and Expert Care by Dr. Ashu Consul

Welcome to our website, where we provide comprehensive information about hip replacement surgery in Delhi. If you are considering this procedure, you have come to the right place. Dr. Ashu Consul, a highly experienced orthopedic surgeon in Delhi, offers advanced hip replacement surgeries to patients in Delhi and beyond. With his expertise and dedication to patient care, Dr. Consul strives to improve the quality of life for individuals suffering from hip joint problems.

Hip replacement surgery, also known as total hip arthroplasty, is a surgical procedure that involves replacing a damaged or diseased hip joint with an artificial joint, called a prosthesis. This procedure is typically recommended for individuals who have severe hip pain and limited mobility due to conditions such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or hip fractures.

Dr. Ashu Consul understands the impact that hip joint problems can have on a person’s daily life. The pain and discomfort can make it difficult to perform simple tasks, such as walking or climbing stairs. With his extensive knowledge and experience in hip replacement surgery, Dr. Consul is able to provide personalized treatment plans tailored to each patient’s specific needs.

At our clinic in Delhi, we prioritize patient comfort and safety. Dr. Consul and his team utilize state-of-the-art technology and techniques to ensure the best possible outcomes for hip replacement surgeries. The procedure is performed in a sterile operating room, and patients are given anesthesia to ensure a pain-free experience.

During the surgery, Dr. Consul makes an incision in the hip area and carefully removes the damaged or diseased parts of the hip joint. He then replaces them with the artificial joint, which is made of durable materials such as metal, plastic, or ceramic. The new joint is designed to mimic the natural movement of a healthy hip joint, allowing patients to regain mobility and alleviate pain.

Following the surgery, patients are closely monitored by Dr. Consul and his team to ensure a smooth recovery. Physical therapy and rehabilitation are an essential part of the recovery process, as they help patients regain strength and mobility in the hip joint. Dr. Consul provides personalized guidance and support throughout the recovery period, ensuring that each patient receives the care they need to achieve the best possible outcome.

If you are considering hip replacement surgery in Delhi, we encourage you to explore our website further to learn more about the procedure and the exceptional care provided by Dr. Ashu Consul. We are dedicated to helping individuals regain their independence and improve their quality of life through advanced orthopedic treatments.

About Hip Replacement Surgery

Hip replacement surgery, also known as hip arthroplasty, is a surgical procedure that involves replacing a damaged or diseased hip joint with an artificial joint. This procedure is typically recommended for patients who experience severe hip pain and mobility issues caused by conditions such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, hip fractures, or avascular necrosis.

During the surgery, Dr. Ashu Consul will remove the damaged parts of the hip joint and replace them with prosthetic components made of metal, plastic, or ceramic. The artificial joint is designed to mimic the natural movement of a healthy hip joint, allowing patients to regain mobility and experience relief from pain.

Before undergoing hip replacement surgery, patients will typically undergo a thorough evaluation to determine if they are a suitable candidate for the procedure. This evaluation may include a physical examination, medical history review, and diagnostic tests such as X-rays or MRI scans. Dr. Consul will assess the severity of the hip joint damage, the patient’s overall health, and their ability to tolerate the surgery and recovery process.

The surgery itself is performed under general anesthesia, meaning the patient will be asleep and pain-free during the procedure. Dr. Consul will make an incision on the side or back of the hip to access the joint. The damaged bone and cartilage will be removed, and the prosthetic components will be securely attached to the remaining healthy bone using special surgical cement or screws.

After the surgery, patients will be closely monitored in the recovery room before being transferred to a hospital room. Pain medication will be administered to manage any discomfort, and physical therapy will be initiated to help patients regain strength and mobility in their hip joint. The length of the hospital stay will vary depending on individual circumstances, but most patients can expect to stay in the hospital for a few days.

Once discharged from the hospital, patients will continue their recovery at home. It is important to follow all post-operative instructions provided by Dr. Consul, including taking prescribed medications, attending physical therapy sessions, and gradually increasing activity levels as advised. It may take several weeks or months for patients to fully recover and resume normal activities, but the majority of individuals experience significant improvement in pain and mobility following hip replacement surgery.

As with any surgical procedure, hip replacement surgery carries some risks and potential complications. These may include infection, blood clots, dislocation of the artificial joint, nerve damage, or implant failure. However, these risks are relatively rare, and Dr. Consul will take all necessary precautions to minimize the likelihood of complications.

In conclusion, hip replacement surgery is a highly effective treatment option for individuals suffering from severe hip pain and mobility issues. With advancements in surgical techniques and prosthetic technology, patients can experience significant improvements in their quality of life and regain the ability to perform everyday activities with ease.

Why Choose Dr. Ashu Consul for Hip Replacement?

When it comes to your health and well-being, it is essential to choose a highly skilled and experienced surgeon. Dr. Ashu Consul is a renowned orthopedic surgeon with extensive experience in performing hip replacement surgeries. Here are some reasons why you should consider choosing Dr. Consul:

  1. Expertise: Dr. Consul has completed his MBBS, MS (Ortho), and M.Ch. (Ortho) degrees, specializing in orthopedic surgery. He has undergone rigorous training and has acquired advanced skills in performing hip replacement surgeries. His expertise allows him to accurately diagnose and effectively treat various hip conditions, ensuring optimal results for his patients.
  2. Experience: With over 20 years of experience in the field, Dr. Consul has successfully performed numerous hip replacement surgeries, helping patients regain their mobility and improve their quality of life. His vast experience has honed his surgical skills and enabled him to handle even the most complex cases with confidence and precision.
  3. Advanced Techniques: Dr. Consul stays updated with the latest advancements in hip replacement surgery techniques. He utilizes state-of-the-art technology and follows evidence-based practices to ensure the best possible outcomes for his patients. From minimally invasive approaches to computer-assisted navigation systems, Dr. Consul employs advanced techniques that result in faster recovery times, reduced pain, and improved long-term function.
  4. Compassionate Care: Dr. Consul believes in providing personalized care to each patient. He takes the time to understand their unique needs and concerns, offering them the support and guidance they need throughout their treatment journey. Dr. Consul’s compassionate approach ensures that his patients feel heard, valued, and cared for every step of the way.
  5. Positive Patient Feedback: Dr. Consul has received positive feedback from his patients, who have appreciated his expertise, professionalism, and the successful outcomes of their surgeries. Many patients have reported significant pain relief, improved mobility, and a better quality of life after undergoing hip replacement surgery with Dr. Consul. His dedication to patient satisfaction is evident in the glowing testimonials he receives.

Choosing the right surgeon for your hip replacement surgery is crucial. Dr. Ashu Consul’s expertise, experience, utilization of advanced techniques, compassionate care, and positive patient feedback make him an excellent choice for anyone seeking hip replacement surgery. With Dr. Consul by your side, you can trust that you will receive the highest quality of care and achieve the best possible outcomes.

Contact Us for Hip Replacement Surgery in Delhi

If you are considering hip replacement surgery in Delhi, we encourage you to reach out to Dr. Ashu Consul for a consultation. During the consultation, Dr. Consul will evaluate your condition, answer your questions, and provide you with all the necessary information to make an informed decision about your treatment.

To schedule an appointment or learn more about hip replacement surgery, please contact our clinic at the following:

The Neo Orthopaedic Clinic

31 A, Pkt-II, Sector – 6 Dwarka, New Delhi 110075 India
Phone: 011-45020554
Secondary Phone: 9871442963

Monday 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Tuesday 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Wednesday 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Thursday 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Friday 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Saturday 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Sunday Closed

Our clinic is conveniently located in the heart of Delhi, with easy access to public transportation and ample parking facilities. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff is dedicated to providing you with the highest quality care and ensuring your comfort throughout the entire treatment process.

At The Neo Orthopaedic Clinic, we understand that hip replacement surgery is a significant decision, and we are committed to supporting you every step of the way. Whether you have been suffering from chronic hip pain, arthritis, or a hip injury, our team of experienced orthopedic surgeons and healthcare professionals are here to help.

In addition to our state-of-the-art facilities and advanced surgical techniques, we also prioritize patient education and empowerment. We believe that informed patients are better equipped to make decisions about their health and well-being. That is why we take the time to thoroughly explain the procedure, potential risks and benefits, and post-operative care instructions.

Furthermore, we understand that each patient is unique, and we tailor our treatment plans to meet your individual needs and goals. Our comprehensive approach to hip replacement surgery includes pre-operative assessments, personalized rehabilitation programs, and long-term follow-up care to ensure the best possible outcomes.

So, if you are ready to take the first step towards a pain-free and active life, don’t hesitate to contact us today. Our friendly and professional team is here to answer any questions you may have and guide you through the entire process. We look forward to assisting you on your journey towards a healthier and more active life.

FAQ about Hip Replacement Surgery in Delhi

How long does hip replacement surgery take?

Hip replacement surgery typically takes between one to two hours to complete, depending on the complexity of the procedure and individual patient factors.

What is the recovery period after hip replacement?

The recovery period after hip replacement surgery varies for each patient but generally involves a few days of hospitalization followed by several weeks of rehabilitation and recovery at home.

When can I return to work or resume normal activities after hip replacement?

Most patients can return to light activities within a few weeks after surgery, but it may take several months to fully resume normal activities and strenuous exercises.

Are there any dietary restrictions after hip replacement?

While there are no specific dietary restrictions after hip replacement surgery, maintaining a balanced diet rich in nutrients can support the healing process and overall health.

What precautions should I take to prevent complications after hip replacement?

Patients should follow postoperative instructions provided by their healthcare providers, including taking prescribed medications, attending follow-up appointments, and avoiding high-impact activities that could stress the hip joint.

Is hip replacement covered by insurance?

Many insurance plans cover hip replacement surgery, but coverage may vary depending on individual insurance policies and healthcare providers. Patients are advised to check with their insurance providers to understand their coverage options and potential out-of-pocket expenses.

Total Knee Replacement Surgery in Delhi

Total Knee Replacement

Dr Ashu Consul is one of the pioneers in painless total knee replacement surgery in Delhi. He has performed more than 2500 painless knee replacement surgery.

The most common reason for total knee replacement surgery in Delhi is to relieve severe arthritis pain. Dr Ashu Consul may recommend it if: You are having pain from knee arthritis that keeps you from sleeping or doing your normal activities. He cannot walk or take care of himself.

All About Total Knee Replacement Surgery in Delhi

What is arthritis and why does my knee hurt?

total knee replacement surgery in Delhi In the knee joint, there is a layer of smooth cartilage on the lower end of the FEMUR  (thighbone), the upper end of the TIBIA  (shinbone) and the undersurface of the kneecap (patella). This cartilage serves as a cushion and allows for smooth frictionless motion of the knee. Arthritis is the wearing away of this smooth cartilage. Eventually, it wears down to the bone. Rubbing of bone against bone causes pain, swelling, and stiffness & a characteristic sound known as crepitus.

What is its type?

Broadly they are categorized into.

  1. Osteoarthritis – It is a degenerative (age and wear tear-related)disease, and is the most common type of arthritis characterized by the breakdown of joints and cartilage leading bones to rub against each other, causing stiffness, pain/loss of joint movement.
  2. Rheumatoid Arthritis – It is a blood born arthritis in which our immune system attacks its joints and damages them. It involves multiple joints in a symmetrical pattern. Commonly known as “gathia bai”
  3. Posttraumatic Arthritis – It is a form of arthritis that develops after an injury to the knee. For example, a broken bone may damage the joint surface and lead to arthritis years after the injury.

How many people suffer from it?

Osteoarthritis (OA) is the second most common rheumatologic problem and is the most frequent joint disease with a prevalence of 22% to 39% in India. This is the most common cause of locomotor disability in the elderly.

What is the treatment of arthritis?

Sadly there is no cure for arthritis but there are a number of treatments that may help relieve the pain and disability it can cause.

Is there any nonsurgical treatment available for it?

Yes! as with other arthritic conditions, initial treatment of arthritis of the knee is nonsurgical. Orthopedic in Delhi may recommend a range of treatment options. Like lifestyle modifications, physiotherapy, assistive devices, and losing weight which can be of help in the initial stages.

I am able to just manage with painkillers is surgery advisable for me?

If you are taking painkiller tablets, are not able to walk, or are not able to perform your daily routine activities comfortably, denying the fact you have a problem is not the solution. Painkillers of allopathic/ayurvedic/homoeopathy are not the solution. These are temporary methods.

Do pain killer have side effects

Their excess intake exposes you to the risk of gastric ulcers and kidney damage. all painkillers cause kidney damage for sure and prolonged use may damage kidneys irreparably, thus forcing one to go for repeated dialysis and kidney transplant in Delhi.

Gastrointestinal toxicity is present in 50% of NSAIDs (Pain Killers) users and 5.4% develop a more serious event requiring hospitalization due to its frequent use.

What goals does replacement fulfil?

  1. Permanently relieves pain that does not respond to other treatment options, so making walking pain-free.
  2. Straightens the knee to the original position.
  3. Brings back the walking ability.
  4. Improved alignment of deformed joints.

When to go for surgery /replacement in arthritis?

Ask yourself: Have I tried everything? Is my knee holding me back from doing the things I enjoy?

Delaying or declining a necessary knee replacement in Delhi could result in a less favourable outcome. But if you are having trouble getting up to answer the phone or walk to your car, you may be a candidate.

At what age should it be done?

Age is not the deciding factor.

I have reservations regarding its success?

Total knee replacement surgery in Delhi has a high rate of success in eliminating pain and restoring range of motion; 90-95% of patients achieve good to excellent results.

What is a total knee replacement?

Total knee replacement surgery in Delhi is really a cartilage replacement with an artificial surface. The knee itself is not replaced, as is commonly thought, but rather an artificial substitute for the cartilage inserted on the end of the bones.

Do I need to replace both my knee at the same time or not?

If both knees have advanced arthritis going for the replacement of both knees at the same time reduces the cost, rehabilitation and recovery time.

How much pain will I experience after surgery?

At our centre pain management is one of the top priorities. Our dedicated pain management team uses sophisticated methods such as spinal epidural catheters and patient-controlled anaesthesia transdermal patches to keep you virtually pain-free in the postoperative period. After you have recovered from surgery, you should experience significantly less pain in your knee.

Will I require a blood transfusion for surgery?

Generally not as we do without muscle cutting technique which further reduces blood loss. However one may require if a person is already having less reserve.

What is the recovery time?

Each patient heals from surgery at a different Pace. We make the patients walk usually after 48 hrs of operation with walker support. In most cases, you will be restricted to the use of a walker for approximately 2-3 weeks. You will be able to climb up and down stairs with a stick at 3 weeks. And will be walking without any support in 6 weeks’ time.

What special advantageous technique do you use for surgery?

At our centre, we perform minimally invasive (smaller incision) total knee replacement surgery in Delhi, no muscle cut technique which further reduces infection chances and hastens recovery (less blood loss) and usually we do not use a tourniquet for a long period so thigh pain is less.

Reasons for Total Knee Replacement Surgery in Delhi (Indications)

A patient suffering from Pain, difficulty in walking, bowing of legs or instability, may benefit from a Total Knee Replacement. The above symptoms may be due to underlying conditions like Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Previous injury, and various other conditions. Surgery is indicated if the above symptoms continue to affect your lifestyle, in spite of adequate non-operative treatment.

Benefits of Total Knee Replacement


Painless walking is the goal of total knee replacement

Consultation before Knee Replacement Surgery (Pre-OP)

It is important to discuss with your surgeon, your diagnosis, other options of treatment, the procedure, the postoperative course, and possible complications. Please take your medicines with you and you may be advised to stop some of them, before surgery.

You may also be required to see other specialists like the Anaesthetist ( The doctor, who may put you to sleep or otherwise), Other medical specialists like the Cardiologist, if required, the Physiotherapist and the Occupational therapists.

total knee replacement surgery in Delhi

Anaesthesia for Knee Replacement

The Anaesthetist, in consultation with you, usually decides on the type of Anaesthesia. The options are usually General Anaesthesia, Spinal Anaesthesia, Epidural Anaesthesia, and Nerve blocks. Sometimes, a combination may also be employed to provide adequate Anaesthesia during the procedure and adequate analgesia (pain relief) after the procedure.

The Operative Procedure for Total Knee Replacement

It involves a skin incision (surgical cut) on the midline of the knee. By careful dissection, the joint is approached and inspected. The worn-out cartilage and bone surfaces are shaved off. The bone ends are prepared meticulously and systematically to accept the selected prosthesis (artificial knee implant). These are usually fixed with a special cement (poly-methyl-methacrylate), but may not be in some implants (uncemented). Apart from the long bone ends (femur and Tibia), the patella may also be re-surfaced, in some instances.

The tissues are carefully repaired back with sutures and clips. Dressings are applied around the knee, at the end of the procedure. Antibiotics are usually administered at the start of the procedure, to minimize the risk of infection. The precautions taken include maintaining a sterile field, using antibiotic-loaded cement and performing the procedure in laminar flow Theatres.

After the procedure, the patient is usually moved to the recovery room for a few hours and subsequently back to the ward.

Post-operative Care after Total Knee Replacement Surgery in Delhi

Pain relief after the procedure is adequately provided by various options like epidurals, patient-controlled anaesthesia, Nerve blocks, Injections, patches, tablets etc. The Anaesthetist, who may be a part of the pain team, will be responsible for this.

Whilst in the ward, you may be provided with stockings, fitted with compressive stockings and may be given injections or tablets, to minimize the risk of developing clots in the body.

You may have to visit the Radiology department, to get some X-rays of your operated knee, showing the implants. You may have a couple of dressing changes, while you are in the hospital.

Post-operative rehabilitation after Total Knee Replacement

The physiotherapist will visit you in the ward and encourage you to start getting up and walking. The sooner a patient is able to do this the earlier the progress in rehabilitation and the earlier the discharge. Initially, you may be provided with a walker or a frame and subsequently progressed to crutches or sticks. If you have steps to negotiate at home, they will help you with them, before discharge.

After Discharge from Knee Replacement Surgery

You will be advised to wear your anti-embolic stocking for at least 6 weeks. You will be advised on physiotherapy and appropriate exercises. It is important to diligently perform these to get good extension and flexion in the joint.

You will be advised to see the orthopaedic doctor in Delhi in 2 weeks’ time, when the clips or sutures on the skin may be removed. Here you will be advised on the progress of your physiotherapy and subsequent review. Success

Total Knee Replacement is an extremely successful operation throughout the whole world. It is very good for relieving pain inappropriately indicated patients. The success rate is reported at 95%.


total knee replacement surgery in Delhi If your symptoms continue to be bad and you have had no relief from the above-mentioned options, your doctor may offer you a Total Knee Replacement. This is a surgical procedure, where the joint surfaces that are worn out are replaced with metal implants and an intervening polyethylene insert. You would need General or Regional Anaesthesia for this procedure.

In the appropriately selected patient, Total Knee Replacement in West Delhi offers excellent pain relief and great improvement in their quality of life. It is one of the most successful operations, performed throughout the world. Most people are extremely happy with the outcome.


Shoulder Replacement

Shoulder replacement surgery in Delhi aims to replace worn surfaces of the joint with artificial prostheses.

Usually, the prosthesis consists of two parts: a spherical component, which replaces the head of the humerus. It is a metal sphere mounted on a rod which fits into the humerus. It consists of one or two parts: a separate rod and a spherical part which adapt to each other and the glenoid component, which replaces the glenoid on the scapula. It is generally made of polyethylene, although some versions have a metallic coating.

There are two types of shoulder replacement in Delhi: total arthroplasty and resurfacing of the joint.
shoulder-replacement-surgery-in-Delhi Like a natural joint, the muscles and tendons that surround it ensure the stability of the prosthesis. In some cases, the humeral head must be replaced with a prosthetic glenoid and the glenoid with a prosthetic head. This is called an inverted prosthesis. Your orthopaedic surgeon in Delhi may also opt for resurfacing of the joint instead of an arthroplasty.

The shoulder prostheses are made of metal alloy and polyethylene (plastic) and allow to restore mobility and alleviate or eliminate pain. The prostheses are designed to create a new, perfectly mobile joint and eliminate all pain due to contact between the bones. Your orthopaedic surgeon in West Delhi will choose a total or partial arthroplasty according to your state of health and taking into account the degree of impact of osteoarthritis on the joint.

Total shoulder prosthesis

During total shoulder replacement surgery in Delhi, the humeral head and the glenoid component are both replaced.

Depending on the degree of wear on your shoulder, your surgeon may decide to replace only the humeral head: this intervention is then called hemiarthroplasty.

The components are available in several shapes and sizes. They are maintained using special bone cement (cemented prosthesis) or are embedded in the bone without cement (cementless prosthesis).

Reasons for Shoulder Replacement Surgery in Delhi (Indications)

The common reason is a pain in the shoulder, which may be due to Rheumatoid arthritis, Osteoarthritis and other problems in the joint. The replacement may be partial (Hemiarthroplasty) or Total (including the Glenoid) shoulder replacement.

Preparation before Shoulder Replacement Surgery

Please keep in mind that your arm that is going to be operated on is going to be in a sling for at least 6 weeks. So, you may wish to make arrangements for home help during the period or make adjustments accordingly to your home. Doing a mock immobilisation of your arm in a sling around the house may give you an idea of the limitations that you are likely to face at your home, in the postoperative period.

The Procedure of Shoulder Replacement

A skin incision is made in the groove between the Deltoid (shoulder) and Pectoral (chest) muscles. Through the careful dissection of skin, fat, fascia, muscle and capsule, the shoulder joint is approached. The joint surfaces are carefully prepared and the prostheses (artificial joints) are implanted. They may be cemented or un-cemented.

After implantation, the tissues are carefully repaired back and dressings are applied. The arm is immobilised in a sling.

In general, the intervention lasts about two hours. A longitudinal incision of about ten to fifteen centimetres is made along the front of the shoulder joint. Surgery is most commonly done under general anaesthesia.

Post-operative rehabilitation after Shoulder Replacement Surgery

You may have to wear your arm in a sling out of the operating room. Continue to wear it as long as your orthopaedic doctor in Delhi or physiotherapist prescribes it. The length of your hospital stay depends on many factors. Your surgeon is best placed to advise you.

Once you are comfortably mobilising, with your arm in a sling, you will be discharged home. Your shoulder will be immobilised, giving the tissues a chance to heal and gradually over weeks and months, you will be advised to increase your activity.